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Kbre.yaml File Format

Internally, kbre.yaml provides project extension.

Top-level keys:

  • group (string) – artifact group like com.example
  • artifact (string) – artifact id, used in many places, like my-project
  • name (optional, string) – human-readable project name, defaults to artifact
  • description (optional, string) – human-readable project description
  • preset (string) – folder inside templates directory
  • type (string) – folder inside preset directory
  • extensions (array of strings) – folders inside preset/extensions directory
  • variables (optional, map of strings to strings) – variables that will be used in templates or extensions
  • notes (optional, string) – message that should be shown after successful new or update action

All params in the file are optional but if param is not optional and it’s missing in the file it should be defined using cli parameter.