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Configuration dir description

Top-level folders are presets. It’s like template when you create new project in IDE. Currently, there are 3:

  • cli for Kotlin console apps
  • spring for Kotlin web apps
  • script for Kotlin scripts


Next, type should be selected. It’s main template files. Default is root. It’s for root project. There is idea that in some cases variations of main template files will be needed (with the same extensions).

Files with extensions .jar and .bat are considered binary files, and they will be copied without variables substitution. All other files are considered template files and variable substitution will be done.


Extension is a most interesting concept. First of all, you can just copy any files. Variables will be substituted. There is also special meaning for following files:

  • gradle/libs.versions.toml – it will be merged with gradle/libs.versions.toml from type
  • vars/vAr_NAME.EXTENSION – it will be added as %VAR_NAME% variable. Extension is ignored, it’s for editors. Case is ignored, it will be uppercase as variable. Values of variable is content of files.

Please, note that project extension name is reserved for data from kbre.yaml file.

Files with extensions .jar and .bat are considered binary files, and they will be copied without variables substitution. All other files are considered template files and variable substitution will be done.


Variable is key/value. They are defined in kbre.yaml file, and in vars folders in extensions.

Pre-defined variables from kbre.yaml file:

  • %PRESET% – preset
  • %TYPE% – type
  • %GROUP% – maven’s group
  • %ARTIFACT% – in a lot of places used as binary name
  • %NAME% – some human app name
  • %DESCRIPTION% – human app description
  • %NOTES% – instructions what to do after generation